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Dental Implant Solutions

Replacing missing or badly damaged teeth with dental implants can be an optimal, permanent solution for many patients. From a single tooth to full-arch teeth replacement, Dr. Rob Schlossberg and Dr. Deb Klotz can help you find the perfect option for your dental needs and goals. Immediate improvement in chewing ability, teeth stability, and overall comfort are some of the main reasons that our patients opt for dental implant solutions.

If you are interested in learning more about your dental implant options, we invite you to read the informational sections below.

Single Tooth Implants

A single tooth implant can replace one missing or severely damaged tooth without affecting the health of adjacent teeth. The dental implant, a titanium screw-like post, is placed into the jawbone to act as the lost tooth’s root. Then, a dental crown that looks and feels similar to your natural tooth is secured on top of the post.

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Implant-Supported Permanent Dentures

Implant-supported dentures can be an ideal solution for replacing an entire arch of missing teeth. By using four to six implants, an implant-supported denture becomes a permanent restoration in your mouth. A personalized prosthesis attaches to the implants and acts as your normal teeth. No need to worry about denture slippage or using messy adhesives to keep them in place. Also, implant-supported dentures are designed to preserve jawbone density, making it a better option for your oral health than traditional dentures.

To learn more about your implant-supported denture options, such as a full arch implant-secured prosthesis and the All-On-4® system, we encourage you to visit our Implant-Supported Dentures page.

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Implant-Supported Teeth

Implant-supported dentures and implant-supported teeth provide similar benefits. Both options can replace a full set of teeth on the upper or lower arch. Unlike implant-supported teeth, though, implant-supported dentures must be removed at night for cleaning. A benefit of implant-supported teeth is that the gums absorb more of the pressure when you bite down, which helps reduce the risk of jaw bone loss over time.

Guided Implant Surgery

Dr. Rob and Dr. Deb use state-of-the-art implant technology to determine the optimal placement of implants into the jawbone. Creating an accurate surgical plan with the help of computer-guided implant technology is known to reduce risks and potential complications during the procedure. By using the patient’s computerized tomography (CT) photo and 3-D imaging, your dentist can thoroughly plan the implant surgery in three dimensions. In general, our guided implant surgeries provide greater patient satisfaction due to the efficiency of the process.

Bone Grafting

Good candidates for dental implants should have sufficient jawbone density. Bone grafting is a procedure for patients who need to regenerate the volume of the jawbone in order to provide ample support to the dental implants. Dr. Rob and Dr. Deb also use leukocyte platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) during the surgery process to help facilitate soft tissue regeneration and minimize the chances of inflammatory reactions. Additionally, our patients can expect the soft tissue to heal faster with the use of L-PRF.

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Bethesda Sedation and Implant Dentistry offers many dental implant solutions for our patients, please contact us if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment.